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netball and i

assalamualaikum~  ^_^

today, in the afternoon i got a call from my best-buddy-kawan-since-tadika asking whether i want to join her to watch my super2 juniors' netball friendly match. and i was " NAK~~! " without thinking much. haha i miss netball.  ;( netball has been in my life since i was 1o years old. yup,standard four. i was the tallest girl back then so, i've been booked by my cikgu since standard 3. haha

today's match was between Sekolah Kebangsaan Telok Berembang(SKTB) (my alma mater) versus Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Linggi. and we won. hooray~~! :D 35 berbalas 5. haa.. banyak x? :P

thank you to Allah our team have the best coach ever. cikgu latifah and her husband have been coaching here 30 years or more i think. so ~ long. she was the head coach for melaka netball team and because of her, SKTB used to hold the gold medal for Masjid Tanah for 17 years in a row.

seeing her today made me remember of those old days. she was so strict when it came to netball. she even brought  a very long rotan to the field ok. and there was this one time when all of my teammates were caned just because we did not play well during a friendly match even though we won that game. T_T

however, she was the one made us laugh again, the very one who boost us up whenever the team was down. and she was my favourite teacher after all. :)

i was the defender back then. started as a GK(goal keeper) and then during standard 6 until secondary school i played the GD(goal defender). cikgu latifah usually focused on the attacking side, so her husband, Uncle Ramli was there as my coach. uncle was the one who taught me how to guard well, to zone off the oppos and he was the one who guided and supported me from outside during the match. :)

for me, netball is not just a game. through this game i learned that we might be the champion in our world, but that does not promise us that we are the champion for the other world. back then my team never lost even one game in masjid tanah. and we even won the gold medal for the state tournament.
through that, a few of us and i got selected as melaka's state player for the national.
and, during that time, i learned my lesson. there were too many players far too good compared to us. and then i knew we were nobody there .i experienced 'the  lost' for the first time. and we didnt even make it to the quarter. :(

and because of this game too, i had the chance to travel around malaysia and even got free t-shirts, track tops, and even pocket money. ^_^  i went to kelantan, terengganu, perlis, kl, and johor for free~ :)
seriously those times were among the best time of my life!

hmm..i could narrate a 3 pages of essay if the title was ' neball and i '. haha till here for now.
see you guys in the next post. :)

below are some pics from today, and syukur hari  ni redup. so, there is no sunburn and syurah? no need lah. XP
the best buddy ever 

cikgu latifah on the right

 uncle ramli 

sktb netball team! :)

much love,  GD.

p/s : lagi banyak ilmu yang kita ada, lagi banyak kita sedar yang kita ni tak cukup ilmu. XD


lupiey said…
basketball la jom
kt hachiyouji

fadhilah said…
basketball x pandai. noob. -_-"
7heavens said…
first impression is "wow..merah!"
i used to dream to become a netball player when i was standard 3 coz it looks fun,but then my friend said to me.."hang pondan ka pa?tu bdak pmpuan~" LOL..
go che beefa~troskan bermain even kt nihon!!
fadhilah said…
haha..merah menyala.
xpe che arip. klu hang nak men pon blh je. :D

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