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the gift


this is a story about a gift from Gabe, a complete stranger who Lou never notice before.
Gabe gave Lou, a man who wishes he could be in two places at the same time a magic pill.
a magic pill that really allows Lou to have his own clone. 
that magic pills gave Lou opportunity to spend some time with his family, to get to know them before it is too late.

i just love cecelia's art work. her words are like magic! :)
i give this book 3.5/5 marks.
among all of her books, 'if you could see me now' and 'ps, i love you' are still on my top lists.

since these english novels are super expensive, my friends suggested to me to read e-books. yup, just download them from 4-shared free of charge. but still, reading a real book and reading it in your laptop has so much different. and for me, i still want a REAL book. 
okay, till now. 
i want to read " the book of tomorrow" by cecelia. anyone kind enough to buy me one? :P

till here. 


RGB said…
wow, impressive..

i have an idea..y dont you print out the e-book, and compile them? this is just an idea...
fadhilah said…
hmm..tu la ad fikir gak.
xde printer..huhu
klu dapat print kat uti ni alangkah bestnye~ :)
Unknown said…
yup.. reading the real one is much better than the online..
the feeling of touching and flipping them pages by pages.. huhu~

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