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#mak cakap : selekeh


alhamdulillah.. :) paper untuk favourite subject which is 情報処理(information processing) or in simple word means progaramming da habis  siang tadi. YEAY  for one down, but OOPS for 7 more papers to go.
hmm, to think about it again, seriously i like this programming thing. complicated yet interesting. the level of "serabut" sometimes mesmerized me. :P haha

and i have been thinking about this one thing for a long time. i'm prone to like things that are actually difficult for me to handle. a miserable girl like me likes programming which need some one who is meticulous enough to check all of those tiny commas and dots . i love white stuffs especially white shoes and sandals. tapi, sayangnya most of them turned almost grey and covered with scratches even though i just worn them in a short period of time. -_-"  * bak kate mak-----> selekeh.

and in the next few months i'm going to pursue my study in communication related technologies in japan as a THIRD year student and YET, i have very very little knowledge about my course. and so far that ive known, my credit hours transfer will not help much since the subjects needed there mostly different from here in JAD.
aa.. bak kate mak again---------> ko mmg suka pilih bende pelik-pelik dik.. :(
haha lets pray for the best and strive for success~!

oh, panjang dah.. mentang-mentang siang nanti 倫理工学(engineering ethics) aje, sempat je tulis blog.
fuh, tadi penat mengafal macam hape kat uti. haha.. semoga apa yang dibaca keluar. aminn..

*cubaan menulis bahasa inggeris yang akhirnya kecundang.
*sila betulkan ape2 kesalahan bahasa yang ada di atas. TQ

nite people.
1.49 am.


lutfi said…
wlaupun kcundang yg pnting da cuba..dr x buat ape2..
programming mmg jd core subject klau nk amek communication tech, kn?
nak xnak kna lah pahamkn jugak..all da bes~
fadhilah said…
soune.. arigatou.. :)
sendiri yang suka, ganbaru shika nai la jawabnye..

programming n denjiki main core klu x silap.

hait, ganbarou~
Unknown said…
sempat lg ek menulis b4 tdo.. haha..
mlm td nk tulis gak tp tenet wat hal lak =_=
fadhilah said…
writing doesn't take much time.. :)

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