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the unplanned weekend


Currently im in the train on the way to nippori and finally i found the apps for blogging via iphone.. Free~! :)

"saturday is a day meant for books and revision." this is what i thought on friday night.

However, the devil managed to creep in and puff! I went to euno zoo.. Personally, i like the melaka zoo better. The animals seem unreal if you have to see them through a mirror. :(

Done visiting the lazy panda and penguins, we headed to sweets paradise to eat cakes and pasta. #makansampairasanaknangis
And after the heavy cholestrol and calories intake, the energy was used for shopping throughout the entire building! ABAB surely a place to note in your shopping diary girls. ^^

Ok, till here.. Got to discover nippori textile town.. Talk to you later.. :)

Say hi to the sleeping panda! :D


fadhilah said…
blogspace.. kaler kuning :)

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