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^_^ @_@


it feels like ages since i wrote the last post..*only one week though

life so far is okay~. maa maa. kana? haha
no more mid tests coming and that means the final exam will knock on my door soon enough.

by the end of next month, i have to decide the kenkyuushitsu( research lab) and i'm just confused.
which one should i choose? the one with interesting themes but the sensei is...
or, the one with omoshiroi(funny) sensei but the kenkyu( research) themes there are.... i do not know. @_@

and oh, im officially a 'sensei' now. haha yesterday was the second time i conducted the lesson. and we were just talking and talking and laughing.. hahaha..

*sebab ni la malas nak post entri baru, idea menulis tiba2 hilang. TT

talk to you later folks.


Unknown said…
kayalah bfa mcm ni eh.
yea, nnti bifa blanje makan~ haha
fadhilah said…
hahaha.. no no no..
hutang ko bulan 5 tu x langsai lagi.. :P
Unknown said…
aaaa.. sonna...
yg tu aku xtaw. aku ikot kinta je.. haha~
fadhilah said…
haha..joke2~ :)

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