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tips, advices and comments in need


okay, alhamdulillah praise to Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful . :)
my experiment today ended early and the digital signal processing's mid test was not that bad. ^^

so, back to the experiment story. my TA for today's experiment asked me whether i can speak english or not. so, i said that i can but there are still a few grammar mistakes here and there. " futsu no eigo no kaiwa gurai" i said that. and now he wanted me to teach me english and he is willing to pay. 2000yen per hour and dinner. :)

isn't that nice. alhamdulillah rezeki dari Allah. BUT!  there are a few problems :

1) this would be my first time officially as a 'teacher' .
2)i dont know what is the best way to teach him.
3) and i'm not that good. *rase bsalah plak nak amik duit. 自信ない。 -_-"

ok, he said that he can read and understand and his listening is "futsu.. (biasa) " . i  actually quite blur  now because i dont know at what level is his english.
but he did say that he wants to polish and learn how to speak.

so, im thinking that the lesson should be more of talking, listening and discussions. but still, how should i start?

any good idea?



*english sendiri pon berterabur, camne ni? " waaa


Unknown said…
waaa, iijyan..
i think it's better for both of u to learn together rather than one of u teaching the other one in a one-way situation..
(mende aku ngarut nih?? haha~)

erm, dia nk wat class official ke smpi berbayar??
snylo said…
bifa, tny dier, dier tgh blajar apa so far, awk tgk la buku2 dier yg tgh guna ke...

mmg rezeki awk la dier sm nk berbayar, serius betul dier nk blajar ni, pastikn dier smp reti yer :D said…
kalau aku,aku tak amek duit lah.sebab kalau aku kat tmpt kau,aku rse mcm...eigo aku bukannya hebat pon..

so...ajar je.pahala mnyebarkan ilmu pon dapat.:)

*kalo blnja mkn gurai ok la kot
fadhilah said…
thank you so much for the comments.
aha. i started the 'class' though.

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