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daisies with love


alhamdulillah again. praise to Allah the Most Merciful. here i am again healthily breathing and typing this post. after a hectic week. rain on the outside and inside of the house. somehow the light came through. :)

to soothe my complicated self out, i went to the river near my house around 5 am to start my day. since sunrise is early here in japan, there were many people jogging and walking around already by that time.

i walked and walked and i did not realized that i had been walking far from my house as i almost reached the next town of mine. hahaha. the scenery and the morning air are actually good remedies you know. ^^

sunset from here 


pigeon yang jinak. :)

love our river ~

unique flower ^^

finally, i found DAISIES! 

then, in the afternoon, i decided to go to rumah daiyok and reefqi. oh, i love foods and gathering. i had so much fun after a long time. to see the faces and hear the voices of people that i know in this strange land definitely a bless from Him . alhamdulillah. ^^
oh ya, the most important thing was, the foods were awesome! 

tuan-tuan rumah and orang kuat, raziz 


oops, sorry for there are no pictures of the foods. seriously forgot to snap one or two. as my second sentence after greeting tuan rumah was " lapar~~, nak makan" . so, you know what. i ate without thinking much. hee. please do not blame me. ive been craving for malaysian foods like forever. *_*

next, we went to ikebukuro. alhamdulillah i managed to control myself from buying. phew~ 
okay, this is long enough i guess.  i have this mid test for my english class tomorrow morning. do pray for me okay. :)

thats all for now. take care. 
i love daisies. :)


Has said…
very nice scenery! thanks! watashi made kimochi ga yokunatta! :D
lupiey said…
tu gamba sume yg pegi ke?
Unknown said…
kite kurete, arigatou gozaimashita~
bestlah tmpt bfa ad sungai.. :D
snylo said…

best jugak yer ade english class... sem ni iman nyer subjek sumer senmon je.
fadhilah said…
Has sensei > kan kan.. Sy suka tmpat ni. :)
Lupiey > ramai je lagi. Check kat fb bdk2 ni upload gambar..

Reef> hee.. Gochisousama.. Nnt angkut mek kinta tu picnic jom..

Iman > wooh.. Da abes test eigo da.. :)
Unknown said…
hoho.. insyaAllah..
btw lupa lak, kedai kek dkt tmpt kitorg tu cmne? bleh mkn x?
fadhilah said…
Reef > hotondo dame kana.. Ad satu je blh.. Tu pon bimyo sket.. Cari kedai kek ginza cozy corner.. Byk blh mkn..n blh tny dgn detail die ltak ap dlm kek

Aizat > yup.. Memanfaatkan kamera iphone ni.. Xyah nak beli camera da. :)
Unknown said…
sokka.. doumo..
gdinza cozy corner eh..
nnti r try cari..

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