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of donuts and exams


not a very long time ago i read somewhere that MR.STRESS can cause a man to consume more food than his daily food intake. and there is one research that prove students tend to EAT MORE when it comes to EXAMINATION . ahah~ there it is. dont you think its true? because it is so true when it comes to me. haha
im craving for food more and more nowadays. " selera makin pelik" . there was a day in the middle of the night of books and lantern :p , i wanted mcD so hard.  but since it was so late for me to go out to grab a burger , the next day i went out alone and bought one set of mc chicken and yummy strawberry sundae. :) thanks a lot to my lovely cik bibah.

and yesterday, one of my friend mr.R suddenly wanted to eat pizza ,and thanks to that, i got mine too. :)
oh not one, but two slices of yummeh 'seafood something' pizza. XD

mcD done, pizza done, big apple done.. what next?

oops, ive been eating too much! -_-"

each and every one of you are beautiful. ciptaan Allah terindah :)
be grateful for who we are okay girls? Alhamdulillah.. 

p/s : i want more big apples~~ ^_^
*pictures credit to tumblrers. 
love, fadhilah..


norulqalbi said…
at least mr.R dpt jgk makna pizza yg dia ngidam sgt tuh..hihihi ;)
Unknown said…
owh man!!! siapakah mr. R tu?? haha~
p/s:pau big apples kt mr shrek >_<
fadhilah said…
ceca > bagus jgak orang mengidam2..dapat tumpang skaki. :D

reef> owh man.. dare2??
bab mengepau tu jgn risau, aku mmg terer.. :P

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