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update.update. alang-alang cuti ni, memang berblogging and blogwalking je la. actually i wanted to write this post last night, but then my brain freezed right after i finished typing 'assalamualaikum'. -_-" heh.

okay, so. here we are.
*this is a post regarding what happened yesterday.
morning :  
an , mak dan dua raksasa yang memang suka berjalan tu pergi ke rumah Mak Long Borang. *borang here means 'seberang' but pronounced in a N9 kampung way.* anak mak long bertunang. おめでとう~~         ^_^
sungguh, dah lama tak tengok kenduri yang ramai dan memang style kampung macam ni. sekarang ni banyak sangat katering. tak best. ;(   duduk situ, lipat-lipat tisu sepeti biasa, angkat- angkat dulang dan makan. SEDAP. :)  tapi dalam semua, part yang MERIAH tu la tarikan utama. bila semua orang gather, even dua tiga pupu, but the bond is there and yes, i was mesmerized. =)

evening :
we headed to hospital alor gajah "omimai" my cousin. poor girl, she can barely talk and move. we sat there for about an hour yet so many things came into my mind. we are actually so blessed to be healthy and happy. 
so blessed to have voice to speak, to walk and move anywhere we want.
there was  a child around 8 months old. he was crying so bad in his bed while his hand is being bandaged . the bandage was like double the size of his cute arm. awwh.. T_T

and also there was this chinese old lady who was being fed by his husband. ooh.. SUPER TOUCHED! 
that moment was so cute and sweet when the husband was feeding food gently into his wife's mouth. he alone standing there and patiently waiting and taking care of his sick wife. 

well, i guess that is why people keep on saying, no matter what happens, family members are those who are going to support us through. thick and thin. 
so, lets be grateful to Allah for this healthy body we have. you can never know what will happen next.
and lets cherish those sweet and lovely people we have around us especially our family. :)
we are nothing without them. keep that in mind okay? 

okay, its 9.23 am already. i have to pick up mom at 9.30. got to go.
love you readers. XD


lutfi said…
sansei2 XD
"Usrati Jannati"

msa knduri-kndara la dpt jmpa saudara-mara..meriah + happy
fadhilah said…
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