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winter's diary


hisashiburi!!! ^_^V

alhamdulillah. i was granted the chance to write again here. hehe been too lazy to write an entry . been busy hibernating and playing around. it february now. time sure flies fast isn't it? soon enough we will have to say goodbye to dearest snow white and snow man. and HELLO to sakura and colours! :)

since i came to japan last april, the only camera that i have is my ipones's.  5 megapixel if im not mistaken. the quality is quite nice actually. but somehow, this greedy , weak heart of mine :p has been grabbed by the warmth of using my dearest eca's canon dslr. *forgot the series. 

but the sad thing is. i do not have enough money to buy a dslr since it costs so much. 
and so... i ended up buying a digital camera , CANON IXY for 9800yen which actually cost 13000yen. 
yeay for me there! ^_^

below are some catch i made using my new mr. choco! 






Anonymous said…
Wow, kamera baruuuuuu! ;P
fadhilah said…
haha..murah~ je.
kena snap gambar cik puan emy dulu baru lengkap kamera ni. :p

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