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eid adha


holla guys. its been a while since the last entry and since im super boring today(note that my life is a boring one), a quick entry wont hurt much isnt it? :)

oh, before it is too late, HAPPY EID ADHA to my dearest family, lovely friends and all muslims out there.
my first time of celebrating eid adha here in Japan. far far way from home. frankly speaking, the mood was just not there this morning. woke up a bit late than i hoped, and it was cloudy outside. :(

however, the mood came back right after i called home to wish mom selamat hari raya . :) im so happy to hear that she passed her jpj test and she was so excited about it. hahaha along was not at home when i called, pergi kenduri mak kata. didnt talk too long, because she was cooking in the kitchen that time. :( oh, seriously i can imagine my mom in the kitchen and i wish i can be there sit on the floor dekat pintu belakang watching her cooking rendang.

ah, from friday up to today, my university had this Shibaura Sai (shibaura Festival), its more like university open day. and below are some pictures for you. :)
takosen(takoyaki with ebisen)

the class building

                                                                       takoyaki in the making

i had fun making the takoyaki, preparing the takosen and promoting them. "たこせんいかがですか。。。おいしいですよ~~!”

i have been ignoring this blog for a long time, and stopped blogwalking for quite a while. and i think im gonna start again. :)
not really a fresh start, but somehow i think i should start somewhere. seeking of the old me(the good one), and trying to leave the bad ones behind. usaha itu tangga kejayaan ye tak? :)

pengorbanan itu perlu
usaha itu mesti
setakat manis mulut
tiada siapa mahu mengisi
bina akhirat dalam hati
hiaskan dunia di hujung jari

salam aidil adha dari bumi sakura. :)


RGB said…

maap la xdpt smpi kt gakuensai shibau tahun nih..thn dpn pulak..

salam dari bumi....aa, bumi... muka bumi.. :)
fadhilah said…
haha.. xpe2.

nasib salam dari muka bumi, kalau dari luar bumi lain plak citer kang. :D
Unknown said…
takosen!!! haha~
silalah rajin2 update blog ye. aku setia je menanti untuk membaca. :D

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