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expect the unexpected


Location: in a tren (終電)

@met a woman who was cheerfully talking to everyone. And she kept on calling the ladies in the train oneesan and praising that they look like a model. A moment she was talking so sweet over here, and another second she was shouting "urusei! " to a few guys at the end of the coach.
Either she was drunk or there is short circuit somewhere up there.

@a young lady came in and sit right in front of us. She has this pure and very innocent face and she looked like a sad kiddo who had been bullied at school. On her shirt there were many spots of yellow+green liquid positively known as ---> muntah :(
There was a drop of water running down her chin. Was that her tear drop or saliva? Huhu

Wanna meet japanese acting weird? Ride the last train available at night.

Interesting, funny and yet heart thumping because you can never expect what will happen next.

Have a good night folks!


Unknown said…
nk lg best nek tren jumaat mlm sabtu.. haha~
fadhilah said…
Haha.. Tu Pnh jugak.. Penuh dengan orang baru balik minum.. N bau densha mmg terbaikk..
Unknown said…
sou2.. sou iu koto desu.. haha
Bfa said…
Blh je. Tp jgn naik sorg. Anshin sket ramai2 :)

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