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the devil


tick tick..the clock is ticking and now is 1.58 am in the morning and  way past my bedtime. actually im kind of missing the feeling and the excitement of writing let out evrything that came cross my mind and shared them with all. but life and reality it is here, as sun rises and sets , new things are learnt .and so,a few changes are definitely needed. =)

few hours back, i went out for a movie with sharon and BBB(budak best buli) aka amin at sunway pyramid. Season Of The Witch, a movie which will be worth for your money and time. nicholas cage in there was cool as ever. :D there was cool action, creepy devil, and a bit of humor in there and the most important thing is the movie was not boring.

done with a movie, as promised we headed to KFC to fill in amin's grumbling stomach together with shark and fakhri. *oh, we met them in the movie theater. :) we talked about a lot of things. when i say a lot, it does mean a lot. but there is one thing that stays in my mind.

1) are there efforts to change when you know there is something wrong within yourself.
2) if there is a (problematic)friend who is always being left out by others, what would you do to him or her?
     *join the mushi(ignore) campaign?
     *tell directly and ask the person to change?
     *be the person's friend and guide him or her to be a better person?
oh, it is difficult.
this time, i am just a third party who listened to others complaining and feel sad. what if i'm on the second party's place? or even the 1st party?hmm.. life ain't that easy candy my dear.

in life, we can also learn from other people's experiences .it is just matter of are you willing to take note of it or to let it slip by.


with love, take care!


Anonymous said…
haha, nseb bek klau pun x 'gempak' at least leh lyn yerk movie tu. mmg jauh dri apa yg ak expect haha.

last part post ni 'mancongkam'~ huhu. wari na bifa...huhu
fadhilah said…
the movie was okay la ma..

yg last part tu..hahaha mancongkam kah? XD
Unknown said…

fadhilah said…

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