alhamdulillah. here i am. still alive . sound and healthy. alhamdulillah. for the time i have been spending with my family. and i pray that this blessings will never stop. alhamdulillah. for the job i got. i started working at H this monday. no induction or whatsoever. "fadhilah, awak kene join training ya hari ni." and i thought it was the training meant for the newbies. but i was wrong. the rest of them were seniors with max 9 years experience and at least 2 months. and there i was with nothing . and that morning i became the ayam goreng. haha memang kene goreng habis2. but overall, the training went well. my comments after two days of my shakaijin life: so many things to be learned >.< be proactive and i should be okay somehow im glad that i met the funny mitsui san. haha well, we'll see how these com...